Thursday, May 8, 2008

HAWAII! And the Matt Attack...!

My Dear Family, Friends, and everyone who reads my blog,

Well, after over a month sailing across the Pacific Ocean from Japan to Hawaii, I was pleasantly surprised by my one and only, Matthew Wayne MacDonald. He flew in on the night of Wednesday, April 30th, and came to a secluded beach to see me. My friend, Angela Haugo, and her fiance, Domi, helped Matt by getting me to come to the beach with them, thinking I was going to get pictures taken with Ang in our cute little dresses (she lent me one of hers) right on the beach at sunset. Some of the girls on the boat knew that Matt was coming to surprise me (Gillian, Leighsa, Elske, and Becs), so they were very excited for my "photo shoot" and made sure I was looking good and did my hair and make-up, with me wondering what the big deal was. They even insisted I wore the earrings Matt gave me to match my pearl necklace. Well, I was pretty excited for the whole thing because they were excited for me, so when Ang picked me up at the dock, I didn't think it was strange that everyone from the boat was looking earnestly to see where Matt was (of course we wasn't in the truck, but for some reason they thought he might be). I was still feeling pretty low and sad that I hadn't got to see Matt in so long, as I had been imagining and dreaming that he just might show up in Hawaii, but I told myself that would be too difficult and unreasonable for him to do, in the middle of work and fire exams and carpentry courses and all. So I felt that a night on the beach with Ang and Domi was a great way to cheer me up. Little did I know what was going to happen...
We arrived at Sand Island, on this beautiful stretch of beach where all the local surfers come, but none of the tourists really know about it, so it was very quiet, not crowded at all, and Domi was sitting on a blanket taking pictures of the surfers (he and Ang are photographers) with a cooler full of food next to him. Ang made some excuse about having to go to the bathroom, and asked Domi if he could get a water bottle out of the truck for her. Domi told me to look out at the water because he could see a sea turtle. I thought that kind of strange, as it is very hard to be able to see a sea turtle from where we were, but he assured me it was there as he could see the head poking up out of the water every once and a while. I was doubtful, but I looked anyway. So, there I was, left on the beach alone, looking at a sea turtle that wasn't even there. I stood up to see if I could get a better look, and then just happened to look over to my right, and see a man running down the beach! He had his shirt off, and was carrying something in his hand (I learned later to be a bouquet of flowers), and his long curly hair was bouncing around his shoulders. I thought right away, "Oh my gosh! It's Matt!" But then I thought that I was just imagining it because I have dreamed of this for so long (11 months!) and I didn't want to start running toward some random man I didn't even know. I thought it was too good to be true, so I wanted to make sure it was him, my Matt! Of course, it was, and it took me a few double takes to make sure of it before I started running full speed toward him! It was amazing! We had the longest hug and I just couldn't stop thinking that it wasn't true. But it was, and he was there with me, on some beautiful beach in Hawaii, after not seeing each other for almost an entire year!
So, we walked back to the blanket that he had set out for us, with the cooler of food he prepared (sushi, fruit, salad, and bottled water - he knows me so well!), but neither of us were very hungry because we were just too excited to be with each other again. We could barely eat, so we went for a little stroll down the beach. We didn't make it more than about 30 meters when he stopped me to turn and face him, and began the speech; he told me how much he loved me, and how he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, and how although this year apart has been very difficult for us, it was proven to be the most amazing experience because we have both grown so much more as individuals, as adults, as a man and woman of God, and therefore our love for each other has become more real and more sincere and true as well. Our time apart was the hardest time, but we both agree that it it through the struggles that the best things in life are produced. Then he grabbed me by my shoulders and said he couldn't wait any longer. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. "YES!" I wanted to scream, but I was so choked up by this time that it came out weaker than I wanted it to. I think my enormous smile gave my answer away. He pulled out the ring and slipped it onto my finger. It is so gorgeous, but I really couldn't want for anything than just a lifetime of happiness with the man that I love. No ring - or anything else for that matter - could ever satisfy my heart's longing for eternal companionship. However, he made a great choice with the style, and although it's a little too big, he assured me the man who made it can adjust it when I get home. For now, I have a piece of tape on the back to keep it from sliding around.
We spend the rest of the night together, just the two of us on the beach, talking, laughing, crying, and asking first questions about the last 11 months. Ang and Domi came to pick us up and Matt came by the boat so I could introduce him to everyone as my fiance and so he could meet all the people I have been living and travelling with for the last month-and-a-half. Everyone was very excited and happy for us, particularly my crew! Skipper and Bo made me feel as if I was one of their daughters that got engaged, and they were so overjoyed! We stayed up late, just talking and hugging and reminiscing over the proposal, and by the time Matt left (on the scooter Domi lent him), I didn't get to sleep until after 1am! That night was definitely worth the lack of sleep, though!
The next morning it was my day to cook, so for breakfast I made crepes with strawberries and whip cream for everyone, and Matt came down to the boat at 8am to eat with us. I put out sandwiches and snacks for lunch, and then we spent the day together, shopping at Safeway for groceries, going back to Domi's house to email some people about the great news, and then went out to dinner to celebrate (Leigsha was so sweet and made dinner for me so Matt and I could go out together)! The last week has been so wonderful, and almost like a dream, as Matt and I have tried to spend every available minute together, before he left. We watched some of his Seinfled DVDs, we went on a run, he rented bikes for a few days so we biked to Waikiki, did a little shopping (I bought him a new watch and sunglasses), we went out for lunch, we saw a Hawaiian dance and music show on the street, we called our families to tell the the great news, we drove up to the North Shore to Sunset Beach where we biked for a couple hours, and sat on the beach eating our shaved ice. We could meals for each other, I got a few back and foot massages (I have been needing those for a long time!) and we enjoyed just getting to sit and talk, learn about how we've both changed and grown over the last 11 months, what we're looking forward to in our future together, and what we're excited about when I come home in June. Of course, wedding plans are now in the forefront of our mind, so we are trying our best to get as much as the big plans done as soon as possible, as we are looking towards an October wedding. Luckily, we already have our engagement photos done, as Domi took us out early yesterday morning to Sand Island (where we got engaged) and took a few hundred all before 8:30am! We have picked about 10 of our favourites, and he printed off some more for us to bring home and show people (Matt has his favourite with him, and I have two others plus the proofs of the other 10 we chose). The final ones will be coming next week when Domi comes to White Rock to see Ang.
Anyway, we had a fabulous time together over this last week, and although he is now gone and it is so sad to be without him, I am so excited now for what lies ahead of us back home, and I know that this last Leg of Offshore will give me a whole new outlook and motivation to do well and finish the trip strong! I have more energy, and I feel very refreshed and excited for this last leg, because I know it will just fly by, so I want to make it very memorable and special for everyone on board, as for many trainees this is their only Leg, and their only Offshore experience!
I realize it has been a long time since I last updated (Osaka, on March 22nd, to be exact), but I wanted to have enough time to really sit down and write my reflections over the past month and a half. It has been an incredible experience, the time spent at sea, thousands of miles from land, but I think it is because of that time spent away from land and away from all the distractions of daily life that contributed so much to our community on board the Pacific Grace, and really helped us depend on and support each other, and build lasting relationships and fond memories that will forever be in our hearts and minds. I feel as if this past Leg (leg 6) was the closest in terms of community and really getting to know one another. It was very difficult to have to say good-bye to the trainees, but I feel at peace in knowing that I will see them again, somewhere, sometime. The long time at sea, and all the rough weather and struggles we came through as a family really helped keep us banded together, and I know that it is God's overall love and guidance in our lives that makes us as close as we are with each other, and keeps us honest, genuine, and sincerely interested in each other's lives. We had some great Sunday Service topics throughout the weeks, and among my favourites were along the theme of being known, and how you can only be loved and known by others as much as you allow yourself to be known and loved. We also talked about what we have learned about ourselves and about each other throughout our 46 days together, and what we are nervous or scared about in going home, and how we can resolve those feelings of anxiety by learning to incorporated what we've learned or how we've changed into our lives back home, in 'reality'.
There is really so much to write about, and so much to try and explain (I even found it difficult to try and explain it to Matt and help him to understand), but the truth is that we can never really fully understand each other's experiences unless we also experience exactly what they have, and this is usually not the case. I have slowly come to realize this, and I can accept that and live with that. I am just so thankful and lucky that I have people to share such experiences with (Karen, my crew and trainees), and I know that Matt and I have a lifetime to share together where we can spend as much time as we like learning from each other and talking about how we have changed from our different life experiences (his trip to Africa, his time spent in Alberta working, his time back home in school, working, firefighting courses/exams/interviews, etc...). There is no limit to how a person will learn, and how we grow in Christ. I am very excited for our lives to begin together, and we are both very much on cloud 9 and can't think of very much else, although we are trying to keep our heads level and make the best decisions in this time of our short engagement.
I miss you all, so much, and now that Matt is gone (he left last night - that was really hard to see him off at the airport), I miss him even more! But we will see each other in only 37 days, and that is going to keep me going! I really appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers, and thank you to everyone for your constant encouragement, support and love! I will see you all in June!
Love always, Sailor, Cook, Engaged Katie! ;)