Well, Gillian and I finally finished stowing all of the food (seen in the second picture, before it was loaded onto the boat), with much appreciated help from our sisters, Karen and Jen, and other S.A.L.T.S. volunteers. The top picture shows the staff and crew of S.A.L.T.S. in the stern of the Pacific Grace, taken in early May. We have all been very busy the past week; Gillian and I with figuring out what we need, ordering, getting all the food on the boat, below deck, and then stowing it. It took us 3 full days, but it's all done! I was busy in the bilge (the sole, underneath the floorboards in the forward most part of the boat) for most of the 3 days storing all of the cans - literally, hundreds .

All that is left to do is our fresh shop (fruits and veggies) and get our cabin ready (which is still awaiting a book shelf and - hopefully - some reading lights, as the one in there doesn't work very well (it decides when it wants to turn on). We are having more fun now that the food situation is taken care of, and are down to our final stages of preparing to leave. Everyone is in a state of a little nervousness, maybe some anxiety, perhaps some stress, and an underlying excitement. Families and friends are expected to arrive this week, as well as all the trainees for Leg One. Everyone boards on Saturday, but a few of us will be sleeping on the boat the night before. We set sail on this Sunday, June 3rd, but I don't think I'll feel like it's really happening until the following week, or so Skipper Tony tells me (he has sailed numerous Offshores, with his wife, and 6 children, and they are all coming - the most lovely family too)! I am getting nervous myself as the days draw nearer, but I am looking forward to seeing Matt, my family, and some of my friends, who are all coming out this weekend! 4 more days...WOW!
I am sooo excited to see that you have a blog, and that I can track with this incredible adventure.
I know you must feel immense fear and anxiety, but Katie, you can do it, and for the rest of your life you will have some of the most amazing travel stories of anyone...EVER.
Best of luck to you as you depart. Yay for SALTS!
Are we proud? You can not imagine! You are a very lucky young lady to be able to have this adventure. And S.A.L.T.S. is also very lucky to have you on their team. We just loved our time in Victoria with you and Karen for your Bon Voyage festivities. Have fun, we send our love to you. Your BLOG is great. Hugs and kisses, Mom (and Dad)
This morning I got to work and the first thing I did was check your schedule to see where you are. Well, now its 4 hours later and I can’t stop thinking about you and how amazing you must feel right now. While you’re feeling the cool refreshing breeze, My eyes are burning because I’ve been locked in a cubicle staring at a screen all morning. Live it up Kate!!! You’re amazing and I LOVE YOU so much!!!!
Saskia :)
wow, its only been 9 days.....shoot. so many more. Hope you're having a great time. Can't wait to hear about your trips. I love you katie
hey hunny! hope the trip is going well. I do not have your itinerary with me down here in Paraguay so I do not know when you get into port in Hawaii and I do not want to not leave you a message. Things down here are great and I truly feel I am growing in my walk with the Lord as I am learning so much! Hope you are doing well. If you get a chance please fire me an email and let me know how it went. Hopefully you did not run into too many storms as the weather on the Westcoast was not that great before I left. Love ya and miss ya! Godspeed. EM
Hey Katie! When you are in hawaii, look me up 808-351-5264.
Ang Haugo
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